An Argumentative Text is an essay which are the writer takes a position on a topic (for or against).

Teks argumentasi adalah teks yang ditulis dgn cara penulis mengambil (posisi mendukung atau menentang sebuah ide/topik) pada suatu topik. Teks argumentasi hanya memihak pada satu sudut pandang penulis, entah secara Pros atau Cons.

The purpose of an argumentative text is to persuade the reader to support their point of view.

Tujuan dari teks argumentatif adalah untuk meyakinkan pembaca agar mendukung sudut pandang penulis.


1. Language Function/Social Functiont

To take a position on some issues and justify it(example: argumentative text about smoking)

2. Text Structure

Title(judul), diberi agar pembaca tahu teks apa yang dibuat oleh penulis, dan teks apa yang akan dia baca.

Thesis (statement of position), introduce topic and indicates the writer's position.

bagian awal teks yg mana sebagai penulis akan menyatakan sikap atau opini yang diambil dalam topik yang akan dibahas.

Argument(gagasan), contain of arguments to support the writer's position.

Berisi poin-point penting argumen serta bukti yang mendukung sikap atau opini yg diambil penulis atas topik yang dibahas.

• Recommendation, contain of recommendation about the issue.

3. Language Features

• Abstract Noun(cant be seen, heard or touched), example; beauty, bravery, confidence, goodness, hope.

• Action Verb(verbs that describe actions that humans or animals can take) example; talk, watch, walk.

• Temporal Connectives(vocab that connect one event to another sequence) example; secondly, thirdly.

• Modal Auxiliaries(some forms of modal) example; can, may, must, should.

• Technical Terms(special terms relased to the theme) example; examination, score, evaluation, test.

• Reasoning Connectives(vocab that shows a relationship of reasons) example; because of.

• Simple Present Tense(dominated by sentences in the form of simple present tense).

There are example of argumentative text

Should College Education be Free?

College education should be free for all students. Education is a basic right, and no one should be deprived of it just because they can't afford it. Education is the key to success and prosperity, and making it accessible to all will lead to a better society. Additionally, countries that provide free college education have higher rates of college graduates and a more educated workforce, which in turn leads to economic growth.

Furthermore, providing free college education will reduce the burden of student debt. Many students graduate from college with significant debt, which can take years to pay off. This debt can limit their career choices and delay their ability to start a family or purchase a home. By providing free college education, students can focus on their studies without worrying about the financial burden.

Opponents of free college education argue that it would be too expensive for the government to provide. However, investing in education is an investment in the future of the country. The benefits of a more educated population will outweigh the costs in the long run. Additionally, the government can fund free college education by reducing spending on unnecessary programs or by increasing taxes on the wealthy.

In conclusion, college education should be free for all students. Education is a right, not a privilege, and it is essential for personal and societal growth. By providing free college education, we can ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to succeed, regardless of their financial background.


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